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Humour, Sigh Baba

Maybe he’s stupid…..but Sigh Baba sayeth #28

I wonder what is more racist – not nominating any black/latino (ok, non-white) actor/actress for an Oscar, or increasing the number of black/latino (fine, non-white) voting members, because they’ll only pick color-matched nominees. This sounds like first-generation chemotherapy for certain diseases (the cure as bad as the disease)….

About hbhatnagar

I need to fill this up with much better content than I had populated it with earlier. Why I write a blog maybe? I started blogging in 2009 or thereabouts. I was a newly turned atheist and wanted to converse with others of the same persuasion. We're not exactly a big population group in India! It didn't go very well and I sort of lost interest, posting a few things now and then. I got a lot more regular over the last few months and have been posting almost daily since February '15. There were many reasons why I gradually became more regular in posting, but one way or the other, here I am! So this blog has taken shape, being at different points in time my showcase, my comedy club, my art gallery, my book club, my therapist, my close friend, my innermost self....but always my little corner of the world. You are all welcome to visit and I hope you stay awhile! A few points about me because I don't want to lead anyone on(and trust me this does become an issue more often than I'd care to admit). I'm Indian, the brown-skinned variety; if race, ethnicity or skin colour is an issue, you don't have to get to know me any more than what you see on my blog. I'm 40, so if age is an issue, please be informed accordingly. I was a doctor, an ophthalmic surgeon for 10 years before I quit practice.


16 thoughts on “Maybe he’s stupid…..but Sigh Baba sayeth #28

  1. I think no one has said that perhaps no black actors have been nominated because on this one occasion, they weren’t good enough. Why does it have to be always ” the token black” is given an Oscar and everyone feels warm and fluffy. That’s worse isn’t it? Giving him an Oscar just because it appeases the Masses.. who say equal to all. In which case, shouldn’t we ensure that not only Black people; but Chinese; a Blond man and a fat white woman. We could please all minorities then and just give them out, and totally denigrate the basis of the achievement anyway.
    Surely we have moved along from that way of thinking… or maybe not.
    In fact, I read a Blog on here somewhere, where he said he let a black person out into the traffic in front of him just so that people could see he wasn’t Racist! F.F.S>

    Liked by 1 person

    Posted by jackie | 01/03/2016, 9:07 PM
    • I haven’t seen enough of this year’s crop to say if anyone deserved a nomination they didn’t get. Being PC is all the rage and giving the odd Oscar to a non-white is everyone’s way of being that. We have never moved beyond that dialogue, mainly because we’ve never had that dialogue…..
      As for the guy in traffic, if that’s how it is then I’m tho most indiscriminate racist around! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

      Posted by hbhatnagar | 01/03/2016, 9:45 PM
      • That last retort was awesome. Stop making me slap my thigh. I thought we were academics. I apologise for giving a seminar earlier. I think I watched a total of four new films. Spectre, Rogue Nation, Furious 7, Martian. If it doesn’t crackle, fizz or pop, I will not be able to sit through it.

        Liked by 1 person

        Posted by Sabiscuit | 01/03/2016, 11:56 PM
      • I finally managed to watch The Martian this weekend. What was so great about a NASA version of Robinson Crusoe with heaps of tokenisms thrown in?

        Liked by 1 person

        Posted by hbhatnagar | 02/03/2016, 6:51 AM
      • More thigh slapping. I heard the book is better x 10. I think they Hollywooded it so people would come out and watch. Not much you can do in a desert besides take drugs and blow isht up. (I deliberately misspelled that). Have a good Wednesday. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        Posted by Sabiscuit | 02/03/2016, 7:05 AM
      • 😀
        You too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        Posted by hbhatnagar | 02/03/2016, 7:47 AM
  2. I agree with Sigh’s logic. I would not accept someone voting for a film because the actors are the same ethnicity. I think the idea is to have different cultural influences weighing in on decisions. The idea of fairness is to have a range of perspectives converging on one idea.

    Liked by 3 people

    Posted by Sabiscuit | 01/03/2016, 2:59 PM
  3. Is that what has happened? That sounds a bit of a mess.

    Liked by 1 person

    Posted by Mick Canning | 01/03/2016, 2:31 PM

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