

This tag is associated with 7 posts

Grindelwald – 7

Parting shots from Grindelwald. This beautiful carriage can be seen in Hotel Schweizerhof.

Grindelwald – 6

I wanted to go up the peaks badly, but was truly out of luck…… Some peaks further off seemed to mock me…

Grindelwald – 5

A Swiss under-carriage. The orange backdrop adds a lovely touch, don’t you think?

Grindelwald – 4

To carry on with my trip through Grindelwald, I took another look at the mountains, but the clouds wouldn’t leave them alone….

Grindelwald – 3

I had sworn I wouldn’t click another house with red flowers on the railings……so sue me. 😛


This guy was somewhat non-committal about his liking all the foreign interlopers to invade his quaint, sleepy town…. but this gentleman was much more welcoming…:)

Grindelwald – 2

I spent a few minutes on this bench, not minding the rain and the cold breeze that went through my cotton tee like it wasn’t even there. I wish I could impart the smell of the green, grassy expanse studded with flowers behind me, extending as far as the eye could see…….
