

I need to fill this up with much better content than I had populated it with earlier. Why I write a blog maybe? I started blogging in 2009 or thereabouts. I was a newly turned atheist and wanted to converse with others of the same persuasion. We're not exactly a big population group in India! It didn't go very well and I sort of lost interest, posting a few things now and then. I got a lot more regular over the last few months and have been posting almost daily since February '15. There were many reasons why I gradually became more regular in posting, but one way or the other, here I am! So this blog has taken shape, being at different points in time my showcase, my comedy club, my art gallery, my book club, my therapist, my close friend, my innermost self....but always my little corner of the world. You are all welcome to visit and I hope you stay awhile! A few points about me because I don't want to lead anyone on(and trust me this does become an issue more often than I'd care to admit). I'm Indian, the brown-skinned variety; if race, ethnicity or skin colour is an issue, you don't have to get to know me any more than what you see on my blog. I'm 40, so if age is an issue, please be informed accordingly. I was a doctor, an ophthalmic surgeon for 10 years before I quit practice.
hbhatnagar has written 1620 posts for hbhatnagar


I became 47 years old this year; just over a month ago, in fact. having your birthday towards the end of the year gives you the added opportunity to review both your life and the year at the same time. Recent experiences have given me much food for thought. The first thing was how old … Continue reading

Spring is in the air

Spring is upon us here in Chandigarh and I got the time (finally!) to try out my D500. I bought it just before the pandemic hit and its first couple of years were spent languishing in my closet. Then over the last year and three trips I: 1. forgot to take the camera 2. forgot … Continue reading

Back after a long break

I don’t even remember when exactly I posted last. The dashboard shows some date at the end of April last year, but many of my posts were scheduled so probably early April? April. The start of one of the most challenging months in my life. As the delta Covid19 strain started ravaging India, no one … Continue reading


Originally posted on The Art of Health:
SCROLL HOLE: The uncontrollable act of endlessly and mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds. 🌸 The similarity to “down the rabbit hole dis not escape me! Our brain likes to finish acts and uses that as a sign to stop. We finish the food on our plate, we…


Originally posted on The Art of Health:
 Mindfulness is a word that gets thrown about a lot, but what exactly is it? #jonkabatzinn?, the founder of mindfulness based stress-reduction (MBSR) program, defines it as “The awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally”.🦋 Purposely directing our attention to the…


Originally posted on The Art of Health:
Potatoes have the ability to transform any food preparation into a mouth-watering delicacy, be it curry, parathas, salads… 😋 In fact, it’s hard to believe that potatoes were not a part of Indian cuisine till about a few centuries ago when we were introduced to them courtesy the…

Views from the top of the constructed world

The peak of Mt. Everest is still out of reach for me but the heights of human endeavour were within reach at Burj Khalifa. The panorama of Paris spread before you when you’re atop the Eiffel is still my favorite, but the beauty that is the bubble that is Dubai is still worth a look! … Continue reading

A dance in the desert

Part of our Dubai desert experience was the camp where we got to taste some really good food and I got my first (and last) puffs of the hookah. After the sumptuous repast we got to witness a remarkable display of belly-dancing. Her control and timing were excellent (I do admit that I am no … Continue reading

Essential Fatty Acids

Originally posted on The Art of Health:
Essential fatty acids are a vital component for our body, and these need to be sourced from our food. They are of two types: Omega 6 and Omega 3. 🌴 Most traditional Indian diets provide sufficient Omega 6, but might lack in Omega 3. Fatty fish is the…


Originally posted on The Art of Health:
Do you know we have the same number of bacteria in our body as the number of human cells that make us up? The majority of these bacteria live in our gut, comprising what is known as the gut microbiome.🌺 The science of gut microbiome is evolving so…
