

This tag is associated with 6 posts

Pun of the weak

What does Trump’s tramp-stamp say? “Put~in”

One liner Wednesday (it’s not Friday, that’s just an alternate fact) 

Given the rate at which Trump changes his statements, it has been decided that White House press briefing packages will have a “What’s hot, What’s not” section… 

One liner Wednesday

Another reason why old people don’t understand emoji – An eggplant denotes meat….

Sigh Baba Sayeth #46

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying” – Anon “Repeated mistakes are proof that you are “trying” “. 😛 – Sigh Baba (aka me)

One liner Wednesday 

When I see the sign, “No shoes, no shirt, no service”, I have this urge to ask the maitre’d if in that case it would be ok if I walked into the kitchen and helped myself……. 

One liner Wednesday

Why are mosquitoes better than family? They, both, are annoying and they carry your blood…..but you can squash a mosquito.
