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Challenges and Awards, Creative writing

Challenge Accepted #46

I am thankful for all of you who took the time and effort to link this challenge and those of you who replied to it in the comments section.

I am posting the entries for the TPS#46 that was posted on the 16th of June. I give 10 days for you guys to take up the challenge and then link the replies the Saturday after next. This week’s challenge, if you’re interested, can be found here.

Last week’s phrase was –

“The song’s dying refrains….”

The replies (in no particular order)

  1. Jane – “…are picked up by the blackbird and transformed into a cascade of music.”
  2. Jane – “…sink with the sun into the arms of the evening.”
  3. Aadhirai – “…reverberated in the dreams..”
  4. Lakshmi – “..were a cacophony cascade, yet he slept on.”
  5. Sri Sudha – ‘..struck the chords of the stressed brains…soothed their souls And relieved them from pains.”
  6. Tessa – “.brought tears to my eyes..”
  7. Pins&ashes – “.. brought a thundering applause.”
  8. Victo – “.. brought gladness to his heart as she had quite a long way to go before mastering the instrument.”
  9. Priyanka – “..like a solemn knell , announcing the death of our relationship.”



I have tried to include every entry, but if I have missed someone, please point it out in the comments and I’ll say sorry like a nice person and add the missing response.

About hbhatnagar

I need to fill this up with much better content than I had populated it with earlier. Why I write a blog maybe? I started blogging in 2009 or thereabouts. I was a newly turned atheist and wanted to converse with others of the same persuasion. We're not exactly a big population group in India! It didn't go very well and I sort of lost interest, posting a few things now and then. I got a lot more regular over the last few months and have been posting almost daily since February '15. There were many reasons why I gradually became more regular in posting, but one way or the other, here I am! So this blog has taken shape, being at different points in time my showcase, my comedy club, my art gallery, my book club, my therapist, my close friend, my innermost self....but always my little corner of the world. You are all welcome to visit and I hope you stay awhile! A few points about me because I don't want to lead anyone on(and trust me this does become an issue more often than I'd care to admit). I'm Indian, the brown-skinned variety; if race, ethnicity or skin colour is an issue, you don't have to get to know me any more than what you see on my blog. I'm 40, so if age is an issue, please be informed accordingly. I was a doctor, an ophthalmic surgeon for 10 years before I quit practice.


5 thoughts on “Challenge Accepted #46

  1. Damn I missed it. I’ll get the next one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    Posted by LionAroundWriting | 25/06/2016, 10:16 PM
  2. Something needs to be said about how the same words are interpreted differently by different people!

    Liked by 1 person

    Posted by pins & ashes | 25/06/2016, 7:04 PM

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